Day 23: Sin Titulo – “Untitled” in Spanish – I think…

July 6, 2011

As I went to type “Untitled” for this post, I thought–hm, I wonder what untitled is en Espanol.

I turned to the handy-dandy Google Translator and sin titulo is what I found.

Spanish speakers – you’re more than welcome to chime in and let me know if there’s a better way of saying that.

Anyways, I am really tired, but I do want to say that tonight at church I got to listen in on a conversation between one of the ladies at my church (a native Speaker) and her cousin…she put the phone on speaker and I tried to pick out different parts of the conversation.

I wasn’t even close to getting the general idea of the conversation but I was able to pick out a few words. I’ve been slacking off a little lately. I am glad for this journal, though, as it reminds that even when I am slacking off, I have to be aware of it.


Well, that’s all for now.

Buenos noches



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